Wedding Planning made easy

Planning your wedding has never been more simple. You can find the right suppliers, book and pay for their services in one place.

Plan faster

Everything you need to plan your wedding

We’ve collated everything you need to plan your wedding in one place, from finding that dream venue to managing the contracts and payments - we have it all.

Supplier Messaging

Instantly message suppliers directly from our platform. We'll remind suppliers to get back to you and when they message back.

Secure Payment

You no longer need to withdraw cash or send bank transfers - everything can be tracked and paid for via our secure payment platform.


Our reviews system allows you to see what others think of the supplier's service - so you can make the most informed decision.

Verified Suppliers

We screen our suppliers on a regular basis and keep an eye on reviews and comments to make sure they are providing the best service.

Tailored Planning

Plan how you want to your wedding to be. Our suppliers will help you create a bespoke wedding plan to your needs.

Task Tracking

Track what you've done and what you haven't. Our platform allows you see what you need to do and who needs to do it.

Trusted by couples from over the UK

Trusted by couples from all over the UK. We're a national platform, everyone can enjoy our services.


Ready to get married?Start planning your wedding today.